Most Well Rounded: Diomidis Spinellis Diomidis Spinellis Imperial College, University of London Myrsinis 1 GR-145 62 Kifissia Greece Judges' comments: Make and run as follows: make dds dds basic_program a.out For example, the author suggests trying: dds LANDER.BAS a.out Notice that a file a.c has been generated. Can you tell how a.c was produced? How does a.c relate to LANDER.BAS? This obfuscated program translates BASIC programs into obfuscated C programs by way of an obfuscated algorithm. NOTE: Due to minor problems with some strict ANSI C compilers, we have supplied a more portable ANSI version. Selected notes from the author: This program is a companion to the DDS-BASIC interpreter program that was submitted to the contest in 1990. This compiles BASIC programs into executable commands. The input format is almost identical to the input format of the DDS-BASIC interpreter. The program needs an executable C compiler called `cc' in your path in order to work. Program commands: variable names A to Z variables initialized to 0 on RUN FOR var = exp TO exp NEXT variable GOSUB exp RETURN GOTO exp IF exp THEN exp INPUT variable PRINT string PRINT exp var = exp REM any text END Expressions are the same as the expressions of the C language. Many system calls and C library calls can be used. Input format: - Free format positioning of tokens on the line. - No space is allowed before the line number. - Exactly one space is needed after the FOR and NEXT tokens - ALL INPUT MUST BE UPPERCASE. Error checking / error reports: The compiler silently ignores many errors. Other errors may produce errors in later phases of the compilation. Can you figure out how the compiler works? Hint (rot13): The compiler is NOT written in C, so this is really a meta-obfuscated program. The C code is an intepreter for the four register, seven instruction COGNIMP$ machine that is contained in the s string. (COGNIMP$ is named after the symbolic names of the seven instructions it defines (Print Output Goto Match If, iNcrement and Copy). The $ sign is used for labels.) The actual compiler is written in COGNIMP$. Browsing through the COGNIMP$ code we encouriage you to examine the loops for scanning the expression in the IF statement and the way a decision tree is implemented in order to match the statements. (Of course the 's' string is encoded by adding one to every character of it just to confuse you). Copyright (c) 1991, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel. All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.